Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, sterile, solid needles into specific points on the body to help the body rebalance itself and overcome disease. Acupuncture originated in China over 2500 years ago, and is today practiced around the world. Acupuncture is a safe and effective therapy for treating a variety of medical conditions, including pain, gastrointestinal disorders, gynecological problems, allergies and asthma, insomnia, stress, depression and anxiety, menopausal symptoms, infertility, fatigue, sports injuries, colds and flus, and more.
During your acupuncture appointment at Stepping Stone Acupuncture & Wellness, your practitioner may also provide you will diet and lifestyle advice consistent with Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutritional theories, to augment the effects of your Acupuncture treatment. Your acupuncturist may also use other modalities of treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine, including moxibustion, cupping, electroacupuncture, tui na, gua sha, magnets, or auriculotherapy.
After your first visit, your practitioner will discuss a treatment plan with you, including the number and frequency of treatments needed for your particular condition.
*Child Acupuncture Visits are for children ages 12 and younger. Depending on the age of the child and his or her health condition, magnets and a non-insertive acupuncture technique may be used in place of needles.
Please see our FAQ page for more information.
Read What to Expect at your acupuncture session.
Many insurance plans in MA now offer acupuncture benefits. Your payment to our office will depend on your individual plan, deductible, and copay. You may also use HSA or Flex Spending Accounts to cover acupuncture. Please call us for more information or to discuss our time of service rates.
To book your Initial Acupuncture visit, please call 781-898-4083 x 1 or email
Follow-ups can be booked online using the button below, or by calling the office.
Facial Acupuncture appointments, Cupping appointments, and all Pediatric Acupuncture appointments are not available to book through our online scheduler.
Please call 781-898-4083 x 1 or email to book those services!